It can be frustrating to have a vehicle capable of extreme speed while constantly subject to speed limits. Occasionally, you may want to open your vehicle up and see how fast it can go or how well you can manage it at higher speeds.
Whether you planned ahead of time to race with a friend or encountered another driver who revved their engine to invite you to race, you can face a citation for racing on public highways in New Jersey. What are the potential penalties if a police officer catches you trying to race?
Racing usually results in a citation
In some cases, the state still treats racing as a civil infraction rather than a misdemeanor or felony offense, but if certain conditions are met, you could be criminally liable. Under state law, numerous activities constitute racing.
These include trying to set a limit or competing with someone else for a wager. State law identifies those who race and those who help organize illegal races as disorderly people as well. If the police catch you racing with another vehicle, they will cite you under state law.
You will have to pay a fine of up to $100 for a first offense and $200 for subsequent offenses. The judge could also order imprisonment for up to 90 days. You could also face licensing consequences if you have previous tickets on your record because this citation carries five points against your license. Understanding the penalties for different traffic offenses can help you decide when and how to defend against them.