If you get caught speeding, you probably expect a citation. If you take the wheel while intoxicated, you can anticipate DUI charges.
These and other violations are enforced across the country, but all states have a few strange laws remaining on their books. For example, it is a misdemeanor in New Jersey to bring or remove poor people from one county to another. You must obtain permission from the local welfare office to do so legally.
You understand that the best way to avoid legal consequences is not to break the law. However, you need to first know what laws exist to avoid violating them.
Strange traffic laws
In New Jersey, you may not pass another vehicle, bicycle, skater or skateboarder without first honking your horn. While this violation could pass unnoticed, at least you will know what’s going on if an officer stops you for breaking this rule.
The state also prohibits cars from passing horse-drawn carriages and drivers from obtaining personalized license plates after a DUI conviction. You may never face charges for any of these traffic violations. However, their continued presence in the state criminal code highlights how seriously the authorities look at driving-related offenses.
In other words, if these laws still exist, you can probably expect harsh treatment for violating a more common law like speeding. Traffic tickets seem so minor that many pay them off and forget about them, not considering how many points they have accrued on their driving record.
Legal guidance improves your circumstances
You have a right to protect your driving record by fighting against traffic tickets. Understanding state traffic laws and their consequences can help you develop a sound defense against traffic violations.