Getting charged with domestic violence is a serious charge that many individuals feel confused and frustrated by and not sure what they should do. At the Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt, I get how you are feeling and will make sure that your side of the story is heard loud and clear by the court. Don’t try to handle this on your own and don’t accept the charges against you without presenting your side of the story! A domestic violence conviction can be life changing and something that can limit you personally, professionally and financially. The Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt can help limit the impact it has on your life. Give us a call today to discuss your options.
Hudson County domestic violence cases can take many forms but there is one thing they all have in common- the consequences are always serious. Hudson County domestic violence penalties include: fines, jail time, inclusion on the domestic violence registry, probation, community service and restricting restraining orders. Working with an experienced Hudson County domestic violence attorney can help make some or all of those penalties listed above go away.
Working with the Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt represents your best chance of defeating the domestic violence charges against you. Here’s a look at some of the benefits that come with working with an attorney:
· Save Time: Trying to navigate the Hudson county criminal justice system by yourself? Not only can that be confusing and overwhelming but any type of mistake can be seriously costly. Working with an attorney that is familiar not only with the legal system and the specific charges against you but also with the arguments the other side will present can be the difference between being convicted and being acquitted.
· Save Money: you read that right-hiring an attorney to fight you Hudson County domestic violence case can actually save you money in the long run. If an attorney can help reduce or eliminate the charges against you then that means you are avoiding many of the costly penalties listed above.
· Move on: Dealing with a domestic violence charge in Hudson County is without a doubt a major personal event that can be hard to move past but once the legal charge is over with, many individuals find that to be the easiest way to move on and forward with your life.
The Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt
At the Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt, I am here to defend you and tell your side of the story in a way that convinces the judge and/or jury in your case to reduce or eliminate the charges against you. As with any time you are faced with a criminal charge, the sooner you act the better so do not hesitate to give me a call today to schedule your free initial consultation with me. I look forward to hearing from you!