If someone has a no-contact order against you, it is crucial to follow it. Violating the order is a legal offense. For instance, if you are on probation, breaching the terms of the no-contact order could result in a probation violation, and you could be sent to jail....
East Brunswick Personal Injury Law Blog
When can drivers face accusations of reckless driving?
Some traffic violations are significantly more serious than others. Reckless driving is one of the most significant accusations the state can make against a motorist. The driver accused of reckless driving can face significant penalties. The penalties for reckless...
Eye injuries as a result of motor vehicle accidents
When you are involved in a car accident, there are high chances of suffering various types of injuries, including those that impact the head, neck and torso. Upper body and head injuries, which may include damage to the eyes, can lead to severe consequences,...
3 errors that could indicate driver distraction
One of the biggest dangers road users face is distraction. Firstly, they need to try hard to avoid getting distracted themselves. Secondly, they need to watch out for potential collisions caused by others who are distracted. If you are in a crash, one thing that can...
Do you have to let a police officer into your house?
When a police officer knocks on your door, they may ask to come inside. They might claim they just want to take a quick look around, ask you a few questions or have a conversation. Depending on the situation, the officer may come across as friendly and accommodating...
How do wrongful death claims work in New Jersey?
Losing a loved one due to another's negligence or wrongful act is an incredibly painful experience. In New Jersey, the law provides a potential pathway to justice for families impacted by a wrongful death. Here is what you should know about wrongful death claims...
Can you “sleep it off” in your car?
Often, we are out having a few drinks with our friends and don’t feel any kind of buzz. That is until we step outside into the fresh air and realize that we probably shouldn’t be driving. Therefore, we get into our car, lean the seat back and decide to take a brief...
3 common sources of slip-and-fall risk
Slip-and-falls can occur anytime with little warning. Some people slip because they engage in horseplay, such as running around a swimming pool. In many cases, however, slip-and-fall incidents are an indicator of poor property maintenance. Individuals hurt because...
Chemical breath tests fail for all kinds of reasons
Many people accused of drunk driving choose to plead guilty immediately. They assume that they have very little chance of successfully defending themselves. After all, chemical test results often seem like very compelling, authoritative evidence. Some drivers even...
What not to say on jail calls
Being arrested and locked in a jail cell can be disorienting and scary for anyone. It’s only natural to reach out to those you love for comfort, connection and support through the phone. There’s a catch, however: Those calls are not private. You will be warned early...