The YouTube phenomenon has made wealthy Internet stars out of many Americans. Those willing to work hard to attract a loyal audience could earn hundreds of thousands annually. Filmmaking may be an enjoyable way to earn an income, but it could pose a few legal risks if...
Juvenile Crimes
Can your roommate let the police in?
You know that you are not obligated to let the police into the house where you live. If they knock on the door and ask to come in, they are seeking consent, but you do not have to provide it. They cannot force entry, unless they have a warrant. Many officers who have...
Shielding your teen from the dangers of underage drinking
Underage drinking is a rampant problem nationwide. Approximately one in five teens consumes alcohol, and one in seven struggles with binge drinking, according to the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. In New Jersey, those numbers are even starker:...
Underage DUI can derail your teen’s future
No parent wants to hear the dreaded news that their child has been in a car accident - or, even worse, that they were drinking behind the wheel. Yet it happens far more often than you'd think. Teen drivers already face an alarmingly higher risk of crashing. According...