Often, we are out having a few drinks with our friends and don’t feel any kind of buzz. That is until we step outside into the fresh air and realize that we probably shouldn’t be driving. Therefore, we get into our car, lean the seat back and decide to take a brief...
Drunk Driving
Chemical breath tests fail for all kinds of reasons
Many people accused of drunk driving choose to plead guilty immediately. They assume that they have very little chance of successfully defending themselves. After all, chemical test results often seem like very compelling, authoritative evidence. Some drivers even...
What is the legal limit for a truck driver in New Jersey?
In New Jersey, most drivers have to abide by a legal limit of 0.08%. When a police officer gives the driver a breath test, their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) should be below this level. If it’s not, they can be arrested and the court can presume that they were...
Why police can’t follow suspected drunk drivers into their garages
How far can law enforcement officers follow a person whom they suspect of driving while under the influence? Can they follow them to their home and into their garage? A New Jersey woman argued that when Sussex County police did that to her back in 2019, they violated...
Potential defenses to DUI charges
Each year, many otherwise law-abiding citizens find themselves charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. If they plead guilty or are convicted, that one slip-up will result in serious consequences for them, including a criminal record. If the police...
Drunk driving with a minor in the car
If the police have reasonable suspicion of drunk driving, they may have grounds to stop you and perform alcohol testing. If your blood alcohol concentration is 0.08% or more, you may be charged with drunk driving. If this happens and you have a minor, a passenger...
Can someone intentionally avoid a New Jersey DUI checkpoint?
Certain types of law enforcement encounters are not voluntary. Someone who sees the flashing lights of a police cruiser behind them in traffic generally needs to pull over for a traffic stop. However, other enforcement actions give drivers an opportunity to make a...
3 types of evidence commonly used in New Jersey DUI cases
Prosecutors in New Jersey generally need strong evidence to develop a criminal case. Even seemingly straightforward infractions, like driving under the influence (DUI) charges, can occur because of a misunderstanding. Therefore, the state needs evidence that proves...
4 kinds of field sobriety tests you should know
The police have many tools they can use to determine if a driver is drunk. One of the first things the police may do is ask a driver to do a field sobriety test. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has sanctioned three field sobriety tests. But,...
Are you looking at jail time for a third DUI in New Jersey?
It’s a stressful place to be when you’re facing the possibility of a third conviction for DUI. You know that the possible penalties are going to be more serious than you’ve dealt with before and the impact is going to be far-reaching. Your career, driving license,...