If you are involved in an auto accident, it is possible that you could suffer a traumatic brain injury. It’s easier than you think to have a brain injury caused by a collision. A sudden stop and whiplash could cause one, or the impact of your head against the steering...
Month: August 2021
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Slapped with a New Jersey restraining order? Learn what it means!
Did you know that there are several types of restraining orders courts in New Jersey can issue? If you have been slapped with a restraining for your alleged role in domestic violence, it is vital to understand the type of order and its associated prohibitions. The...
Your own Breathalyzer test won’t get you out of a DWI
As you likely know, you can get a DWI charge if you are arrested with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. You can also get charged if you’re below this level, but other evidence of impairment is needed. With a high enough BAC, it can be assumed. ...