If someone has a no-contact order against you, it is crucial to follow it. Violating the order is a legal offense. For instance, if you are on probation, breaching the terms of the no-contact order could result in a probation violation, and you could be sent to jail....
Restraining Order
3 tips for fighting a restraining order
If someone files for a restraining order against you, consider fighting it. Even though it may not appear on a typical background check since it's not a criminal offense, it's a civil order that can be found in publicly searchable court records and police databases....
2 things you should not do if served with a restraining order
Being served with a restraining order is a form of devastation most people know nothing about. It is nothing less than tragic for those who must change their daily lives, especially when they did nothing wrong. It may be tempting to confront the party responsible for...
Will a restraining order affect your employment?
Restraining orders, also known as protective orders, are court orders that prohibit an individual from contacting or coming near another person. These orders are typically issued in situations involving domestic violence, stalking, or harassment. If someone has a...
What happens if you violate a New Jersey restraining order?
The New Jersey courts issue restraining orders for a variety of reasons. When there is reason to believe allegations of abuse, stalking, domestic violence, or harassment, the courts may grant one individual a restraining order against another. The person subject to...
What you need to know if faced with a final restraining order
When someone requests a restraining order against a person whom they’ve accused of domestic violence, the court will typically issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the alleged perpetrator on behalf of the alleged victim. This is often done immediately...
Slapped with a New Jersey restraining order? Learn what it means!
Did you know that there are several types of restraining orders courts in New Jersey can issue? If you have been slapped with a restraining for your alleged role in domestic violence, it is vital to understand the type of order and its associated prohibitions. The...
I represented a client who was the defendant in a domestic violence restraining order matter. After a two-day trial, the Judge dismissed the restraining order against my client. If you are the defendant in a domestic violence restraining order matter, call the Law...
I represented the victim of domestic violence who was seeking a final restraining order against her partner. After multiple court appearances, and an extensive trial, the Judge granted my client's request for a final restraining order. If you are the victim of...
I represented a client on a motion to dismiss an old final restraining order. The client no longer lived here in New Jersey and had not had contact with the plaintiff in several years. After discussions with the plaintiff's attorney, the plaintiff agreed to consent to...