Case Results – 2011
DWI and Refusal Offenses; Refusal Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Jul 28, 2011
Outcome: Refusal Dismissed
Description: Executive client charged with 1st Offense DWI and Refusal. Refusal Dismissed. Client avoided 7 – 12 months license suspension and installation of Ignition Interlock device.
DWI with .09% Alcotest; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Aug 12, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: First offense DWI with .09% BAC for hospital executive. Defense issues raised as to 25 minutes observation period and SFSTs proofs. DWI Dismissed.
DWI with .06% Alcotest and Urine Test with CDS Charges; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Aug 15, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: 18 year old college student client charged with DWI, Underage DWI, and CDS offenses with .06% Alcotest, Urine Test, and DRE results. DWI Dismissed. Client avoided maximum 18 months suspended license and no criminal record. License loss limited to 30 days.
DWI [2nd Offense] with Refusal and 2 Criminal Charges; DWI Dismissed and Criminal Charges Dismissed and Downgraded
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Sep 07, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed [2nd Offense]; 1 Criminal Charge Dismissed; 1 Criminal Charge Downgraded to Non-Criminal Violation
Description: Financial services employed client was charged with a 2nd DWI Offense, Refusal to Submit to Alcotest, and 2 Criminal Charges. Case ready for trial. DWI [2nd Offense] dismissed for lack of observations evidence. 1 Criminal Charge Dismissed and 1 Criminal Charge downgraded to a Non-Criminal Ordinance. Client avoided 4 years license suspension, jail, and criminal record. Guilty to Refusal Charge and Town Violation.
DWI with Reckless Driving and No Insurance Charges; DWI and No Insurance Charges Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Sep 08, 2011
Outcome: DWI and No Insurance Charges Dismissed
Description: NYC taxi cab driver client was charged with DWI, Reckless Driving and No Insurance following a motor vehicle accident. Case ready for trial. Breath test results were inadmissible. DWI dismissed for lack of observations evidence. No Insurance Dismissed. Guilty to Reckless Driving.
DWI with .09% BAC and Reckless Driving; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Sep 13, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: Financial services employee client charged with DWI based on .09% Alcotest results. DWI [First Offense] Dismissed due to discovery violations. Client guilty of Reckless Driving.
DWI, Refusal and Underage DWI Offenses; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Jan 18, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: Under 21 student client charged with First Offenses of DWI, Refusal and Baby DWI. DWI Dismissed.
DWI and Refusal Offenses; Refusal Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Sep 27, 2011
Outcome: Refusal Dismissed
Description: Foreign born truck driver client was charged with a first offense DWI, Refusal to Submit to Alcotest, and moving violations. Refusal Dismissed based on language barrier issues. Client avoided 7 – 12 months loss of license and installation of Ignition Interlock device.
DWI and Refusal Offenses; Refusal Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Sep 28, 2011
Outcome: Refusal Dismissed
Description: Fashion industry worker client was charged with 1st offense DWI and Refusal to Submit to Alcotest. Refusal Dismissed based on standard statement issues. Client avoided 7 – 12 months loss of license and installation of Ignition Interlock device.
DWI and Refusal Offenses; Refusal Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Oct 04, 2011
Outcome: Refusal Dismissed
Description: Hotel industry worker client charged with 1st offense DWI and Refusal to Submit to Alcotest. Refusal Dismissed based on standard statement issues. Client avoided 7 – 12 months loss of license and installation of Ignition Interlock device.
DWI [3rd Offense] with Reckless Driving; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Oct 04, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: Warehouse manager client charged with 3rd Offense DWI. Due to the passage of time, the DWI was to be treated as a 2nd Offense for sentencing purposes. Low BAC results on Alcotest and medical issues regarding observations resulted in DWI Dismissed. Client avoided 2 years license suspension and 2 – 90 days in jail.
DWI [3rd Offense] with Leaving Accident, and Reckless Driving; DWI, Leaving Accident, and Reckless Driving Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Oct 06, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed; Leaving Scene of Accident Dismissed; Reckless Driving Dismissed; 1 Criminal Charge Dismissed
Description: Contractor client charged with 3rd Offense DWI, Leaving Scene of Accident, Reckless Driving, and 2 Criminal Charges. Due to the passage of time, the DWI was to be treated as a 2nd Offense for sentencing purposes. .33 BAC blood test results. Numerous issues regarding vehicle operation, observations, evidence, and arrest. DWI Dismissed; Leaving Scene of Accident Dismissed; Reckless Driving Dismissed; 1 Criminal Charge Dismissed. Client avoided 2 and 1/2 years license suspension and 2 – 120 days in jail.
DWI [1st Offense] with Underage DWI [2nd Offense]; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Oct 12, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: Student client was charged with 1st offense DWI and 2nd Offense “Baby DWI” after found sleeping in car. Low BAC resulted in DWI Dismissed. Client avoided a DWI conviction and 90 days license suspension.
DWI [1st Offense]; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Oct 13, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: IT employee client was charged with DWI with low BAC Alcotest results and questionable physical observations. No DRE, urine or blood test results. DWI Dismissed. Client avoided a 90 days license suspension and DWI conviction.
DWI, DWI in a School Zone, Refusal, and Criminal Charge; DWI, DWI in a School Zone, and Criminal Charge Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Nov 03, 2011
Outcome: DWI, DWI in a School Zone, and Criminal Charge Dismissed
Description: Landscaping contractor client charged with DWI, DWI in a School Zone, Refusal to Submit to Alcotest and Obstruction of Justice charge. Both DWI matters Dismissed for lack of psycho-physical and chemical evidence. Criminal Charge also Dismissed. Client avoided lengthy license suspension, jail, and criminal record.
DWI [1st Offense], Underage DWI, and Reckless Driving; DWI and Reckless Driving Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Nov 09, 2011
Outcome: DWI and Reckless Driving Dismissed
Description: High School student client charged with 1st Offense DWI and Underage “Baby” DWI. Limited psycho-physical and admitted evidence. Borderline BAC proofs. DWI Dismissed. Reckless Driving Dismissed. Client avoided DWI conviction, fines, surcharges, and 90 days license suspension.
DWI [1st Offense]; DWI Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Nov 10, 2011
Outcome: DWI Dismissed
Description: Canadian-born client charged with DWI while on vacation. Alcotest results were suppressed. Client had pre-existing medical conditions which affected hearing, sight and balance. DWI Dismissed.
DWI [1st Offense], No Insurance, and Refusal Offenses; DWI and No Insurance Offenses Dismissed
Practice Area: DUI & DWI
Date: Dec 16, 2011
Outcome: DWI and No Insurance Offenses Dismissed
Description: California resident client was charged with DWI [1st Offense], Refusal to Submit to Alcotest, Reckless Driving and No Insurance Offenses. DWI and No Insurance Offenses Dismissed.