How Do Points Accumulate?
Getting in trouble with the law in New Jersey can be an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. Even paying the fine and assuming you are done with things can end up costing you big time in the end. The thing many New Jersey residents don’t realize is that by paying the fine attached to a ticket, you are also admitting guilt and “accepting” the points and surcharges that attach to the charges against you. These points can add up quickly and ultimately result in raised insurance premiums, dropped coverage and driver’s license suspension. Do not let this happen to you — get in touch with the Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt, LLC, today to discuss your options.
Below I have highlighted the points attached to some of the more common New Jersey offenses:
- Speeding: (NJSA 39:3-20) The New Jersey police are always on the lookout for speeders. Whether the catch is visual or an officer caught you with his or her radar, speeding fines and points are assessed based on the amount over the speed limit you are caught, the location and other factors. Fines range from $85 to $200.
- Reckless driving: (NJSA 39:4-96) Different from careless driving, reckless driving in New Jersey has to do with a willful and wanton disregard for the safety of operating a vehicle. Penalties include five points and fines around $200 for a first offense.
- Improper passing: There are several ways you can get an improper passing ticket in New Jersey, including passing a driver on the right and passing a car in a “no pass” zone. Fines range from $52 to $202 and points range from two to four. Like most offenses, the fines and points go up if committed in a construction zone.
- Illegal U-turn: Almost all illegal U-turn tickets are given to drivers that either ignored or missed a sign prohibiting a U-turn either on a street or highway. Fines range from $52 to $200 and a driver will get three points on their driving record if convicted.
- Failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk: (NJSA 39:4-35) Looking out for pedestrians is one of the first things young drivers learn in driving school. The safety of pedestrians is something that New Jersey takes seriously. It is a crime to fail to yield to a pedestrian in an unmarked or marked crosswalk and a conviction will result in two points and a fine of $54.
- Failure to observe the directions of an officer: (NJSA 39:4-57) Whether verbal or by hand, any directions an officer may be giving a driver need to be obeyed or you will find yourself with two points on your driving record and a fine of $72.
- Tailgating: (NJSA 39:4-89) Following a car too closely is illegal in New Jersey and every other state. In addition to five points on your record and fines around $200, a conviction can also lead to a 30-day license suspension.
- Careless driving: (NJSA 39:4-97) One of the most common New Jersey traffic offenses, careless driving tickets are usually issued to drivers found to be at fault in a car accident. A careless driving conviction carries two points and fines starting at $54.
- Leaving the scene of a personal injury accident: (NJSA 39:4-129) The eight points and $500-plus fines attached to leaving the scene of a personal injury accident should alert drivers to just how seriously New Jersey takes this crime. In addition to heavy fines and high points, a driver will face suspension and potential jail time depending on the circumstances of the accident.
- Failure to observe stop or yield signs: (NJSA 39:4-144) This is a common offense, based on an officer’s observation that a driver did not stop or yield or did not do so in an appropriate manner (i.e., rolling through a stop sign). If found guilty of this offense, a driver will receive two points and a fine of $85.
- Cellphone ticket (NJSA 39:4-97.3) New Jersey has increased the penalties associated with using a cellphone while driving to three points and fines starting at $200 for first-time offenders.
It Pays To Get An Advocate On Your Side
Do the math — having any points on your driving record can result in serious legal and financial consequences. If you are dealing with a New Jersey traffic ticket, give the Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt, LLC, a call before you pay your ticket. I will fight the charges against you and work to eliminate the impact a ticket has on your life. I am available 24/7 so do not hesitate to give me a call today: 877-676-7729. You can also reach me online.