If you have recently been charged with shoplifting in New Jersey, you are not alone. Shoplifting is one of the most common crimes individuals are arrested for in New Jersey. Charges can range from a disorderly persons charge to an indictable theft crime in the second degree (similar to a felony), depending on the amount of merchandise stolen. The impact to your personal and professional life can be devastating.
The legal world can be a very confusing and complicated place when you are accused of a crime such as shoplifting. What’s important to remember is that just because you are accused of a crime does not mean you will be convicted of it. Do not give up hope. Do not plead guilty. Talk to an experienced defense lawyer before you do anything. Call the Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt, LLC, at 877-676-7729 today.
What Is Shoplifting?
In addition to the more traditional notions of taking something you did not pay for, shoplifting can also include things like altering or transferring a price tag or purposefully concealing merchandise that is being stolen and under-ringing merchandise. With those descriptions in mind, it is no surprise that many individuals accused of shoplifting actually work at the store they are accused of stealing from.
Together, We Will Fight Your Charge
For those shoplifting offenses over $200, the potential for a criminal record is the biggest punishment for those convicted of this crime. Long after the fines are paid and jail time is served, dealing with a criminal record will severely impact your life and can cause issues with school, employment, housing and loans.
This is not a charge you want to simply accept without putting up a fight. The prosecution in your case has the burden of proving the charges against you, and there are many viable defenses available to help reduce or eliminate your shoplifting charge.
As a former prosecutor, I know what the government needs to prove to secure a guilty verdict. I also know how to block evidence, frame issues and present arguments that make it difficult for prosecutors to prove their cases. I will do everything in my power to minimize the consequences of your charge.
I Answer My Phone Seven Days A Week
If you’ve been charged with a crime, you need to talk to an attorney immediately. That is why I am available seven days a week. If you call, I will answer. I am available to meet you in jail if you need it. For a free consultation, call 877-676-7729 or email me.