Leaving An Accident Scene
Protecting Your Interests With A Powerful Lawyer Is Cheaper Than You Think
Charged with leaving the scene of an accident in New Jersey? The best advice that anyone could give you is to contact a lawyer immediately. The sooner you call The Law Offices of Thomas Carroll Blauvelt, LLC, the more options you will have to address the situation. I have more than two decades of experience handling these matters. I know the law and how the courts work, and I can use this to your benefit.
“I had a very pleasant experience with Mr. Blauvelt. He was very helpful, thoughtful and kind, and he worked very hard on my case. I am very pleased with the outcome, as well as how Mr. Blauvelt and his staff treated me. I am very grateful to have found a great attorney such as him. If you are looking for someone who will fight for you and be straightforward with you at the same time, that would be Mr. Blauvelt.” — A former client
Consequences You Cannot Take Lightly
Leaving the scene of an accident that does not involve injury results in the addition of two points to your record and possible surcharges. A single offense may not seem like a big deal, but it can cause complications in your life that make it worth dealing with now. For instance:
- Even a single offense can result in insurance eligibility points and an increase in your premiums.
- A violation can lead to jail time.
- If you already have points on your record, it could result in additional surcharges, probation or even license suspension.
- The points could enhance the consequences of future traffic tickets.
What happens if someone was injured in the accident, whether the person reported the injuries immediately or later? Injuries suffered by another driver, passenger or anyone else involved automatically makes leaving the scene an eight-point traffic offense with thousands of dollars in surcharges and license suspension. In addition, you could face criminal charges, depending on the severity of the injuries.
Call Me Seven Days A Week To Start Building Your Defense
If you have been charged with leaving the scene of an accident or failing to report one, it is vital that you protect yourself with the assistance of an attorney. Successfully resolving your situation with my help is less expensive than you may think.
You can reach me at 877-676-7729 seven days a week to discuss your situation, or you can send me an email and I will promptly reply.